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See Our Jacksonville, FL Automotive Gallery

At Fastlane Automotive, Tires, & Performance, in Jacksonville, Florida, we are so proud of our work that we want to show it off to you. Take some time to look at the work we have done for other clients in the past. We perform various types of maintenance and repairs. Some of our most masterful work is with vintage vehicles and classic cars. We can take an old-school automobile and turn it into something that runs like you just drove it off the lot. On the other hand, we can help you give your car the exact style you want, whether that’s a donk car or a lowering kit. When you see our work, you might get some ideas for your car, truck, or SUV.

Let’s Create the Car of Your Dreams

At our shop, we specialize in creating dream cars. The images above are just a few examples of the outstanding work we can do for you. No matter what you have in mind for your vintage car, come visit us. We would love to talk to you about the work. We can explain your options, give you advice, and even work up an estimate for you. To start working on your dream car with us, call us directly or fill out a contact form.

Schedule an Appointment Today!